Media and conflict management essay

Media and conflict management essay

Conflict can produce stress and is a major issue in society today. Daily disagreements are common, especially for those in varied fields. These places are not the only combat zones. It can also occur in families, especially when parents or siblings disagree. Children may develop negative views towards one other due to this dispute Nohrstedt et al. (2014). There are techniques to manage problems so everyone can live happily. This research examines media. These include TV, print, and online media. Conflict management in such reports is examined in this research.

A conflict reporting media organisation informs the public on organisational events. Journalists utilise this media to report workplace and neighbourhood activities. Their accounts also cover how different organisations handled local events Nohrstedt et al. (2014). Nohrstedt 2014 divides these media into news, entertainment, social, and print. Local newspapers, TV, radio, and online sources are news media. Entertainment media encompasses YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others. Blogs, discussion boards, and video sites are social media. Finally, print includes magazines, books, and publications accessed via computer or mobile devices. Each media class provides information differently.

News media helps us understand world events by providing current events info. The daily newspaper may reveal war and criminality in the country. If we have good journalism about current events to help us make intelligent decisions and comprehend our surroundings, we can make educated decisions, which will boost our productivity and performance. In contrast, entertainment media lets us watch movies, read books we like, and watch popular movies. Most importantly, these materials affect our mood. We constantly consult the media before making any decision, whether for school or personal reasons. Nohrstedt et al. (2014) say such actions inspire us to perform better. 

In the US, media is crucial. TV and movie producers have used their position by showcasing local violence. Children spend almost 70% of their time watching media. Parents are trying to keep their kids off screens due to this tendency. Television is an extension of parental supervision, and most teens can become addicted and depressed from technology (Nanai, 2003). Ever since commercial broadcasting began, technology has changed society’s communication. As television channels increase, people’s focus shifts from traditional to non-traditional. Modern networks also give younger generations access to conventional channel programming. This material shows that TV-addicted kids perform poorly academically. Shows have more violence than real life, and excessive stimulation impairs emotional regulation (Nanai, 2003).


Teens who watch the same shows are influenced by TV. Due of media exposure, teens have low self-esteem. Overuse of this material causes teen sadness and anxiety. Their social activities may also become difficult as they age. Young females who like girls’ models may act inappropriately and get pregnant. A teen boy who follows fashion trends will become obese. Children who watch too much TV may struggle academically. Young women start dating later than men. All relate to media saturation and exposure. Friends send many personality-related messages. This behaviour may have enduring implications. Teen pregnancies and sexual abuse have increased due to this medium.

For those who watch TV regularly, it helps kids learn and read. Most significantly, the media shows kids violence. A poll found that 55% of 10–20-year-olds watched TV weekly. Nearly half of 16-to-60-year-olds watched TV or played games in their free time. In this scenario, media is crucial to peer approval (Nanai, 2003). It teaches children morality in school, religion, and relationships. Media may also teach youngsters and adults about sex. No doubt, media influences children’s media use. Due to its widespread coverage, young people copy media behaviour. MTV viewers have comparable behaviours. Another aspect impacting youth learning is parental encouragement. Media provides several how-to resources. Parents can help their kids learn by offering films, music videos, and cartoons. Pixar, Disney, Marvel, and other animated films are great examples. Parents may help kids learn through media. Media has been prevalent in parenting and helped parents comprehend their children’s activities. People can also track themselves with media. Thus, children can recognise peer behaviour (Nanai, 2003).

Promoting civic duty requires media. Participating in community concerns promotes responsible citizenship. This allows people to actively campaign for community improvements without attending. Good media practises go beyond accuracy. Good media practises foster community bonds and empower citizens to make informed decisions (Nanai, 2003). People need trustworthy information to make community and life decisions.

This study addresses how media helps people analyse and make decisions about current events. Everyone should have proper knowledge to grow. Human life depends on communication media for education, health, politics, commerce, military, economic stability, and more. We value accurate facts, but we need to understand why it’s necessary to tell the public about current events so we can act. Our paper shows that media shapes culture and society.

The Balkan crises revealed the growing importance of local media in shaping and nurturing conflict. This is best described in Mark Thompson’s Forging War, which describes how the local media helped destroy Yugoslavia, promote outrageous patriotism, and create a conflict between groups that had lived peacefully all their lives10. It was a scary example of how a public may degenerate and how false media can be used to instill fear. War was neither inevitable nor the main way to resolve the issues that led to Yugoslavia’s breakup, and local media helped prepare the ground for war by ensuring popular support for the various components. Media wars preceded the clash. As communist rulers became nationalists, they regarded media as strategic tools and were ready to use them. In 2017, Andresen et al.

Western media intervention virtually sanctioned the fight on another front. With inclusion, the alleged combat (really assaults on defenceless civilians) was led with a constant eye on media portrayals. Everyone in the war learned to use the media to create political conditions for victory. Attacks on civilians and threats to those fighters wanted to target accelerated “ethnic purifying”. Media that tried to transcend ethnic polarisation were either overlooked and sequestered (like the government state’s news office Tanjung) or required massive struggle to adapt. Few media outlets waited, and those who did tried to be impartial.

The battles in former Yugoslavia revealed that hearts and brains are as important as territory. That fight often occurs in the media. The media energises each warrior, and each strives to control its own media. Zimbabwe’s state media are an instant tool of government control, attacking resistance members as British numbskulls and blaming them for Bacillus anthracis attacks on government officials11. The few free papers left have a circulation of 200,000 in major cities, creating a climate of fear due to the constant attacks on resistance figures.

Palestinian and Israeli inflammatory media is an overlooked source of Middle East crisis uncertainty. In May 2004, hawkish reporter Nadia Matar of Settler station Arutz-7 called for massive military action against “the Arab Nazi killers” after Israeli fighters and pilgrims died in Gaza. “We ought to have eradicated the entire Arab town from which the Nazi killers who completed this slaughter had come,” stated.


Israelis can watch a consistent result of anti-Semitism from Arab state media while processing a case by Saudi true ruler, Crown Prince Abdallah Bin-Abd-al-Aziz, who told a gathering of Saudi college teachers that “Zionists” were responsible for an attack on a petrochemical company in Yanbu, killing six Westerners and a Saudi resident. Saudi news agency SPA reported that the crown prince said, “It turned out to be obvious to us now that Zionism is behind psychological oppressor activities in the realm. I can say that I am 95% certain of that.” Saudi TV Channel 1 broadcast his remarks. In this context, legislators seeking a nonaggression pact will fight to be heard over the tension and scorn caused by this inclusion.

This may be expected as partisanship guarantees durability in a disaster zone. A non-hardliner paper like Sierra Leone’s Standard Times can handle topics that would dismay any writer or boss, yet committed. The fight destroyed Standard Times’ offices and gear. The collapse of the inner vehicle architecture prevented the paper from being distributed and flow dropped from 10,000 to 2,000 or less.

Promotional and deal pay are insufficient at such levels. In these circumstances, sectarianism and political entertainment sponsorship can be powerful for extremists. Foday Sankoh, Sierra Leone’s radical innovator, slaughtered more writers than any other warlord. Interesting papers like the Standard Times await publication independence.


The growing awareness of the media’s role in creating conflict has led many to consider how it can help resolve it. Much debate ensued.

Journalism’s role in conflict reporting and resolution is crucial. The world relies on columnists to describe war events accurately. Writers can expose perspectives like limitation of basic liberties and subdued publicity reporting during and after a conflict (Knightley 2002). However, the conflict’s complexity makes journalism challenging in such important times. Columnists spend a lot of time covering war and other situations, risking their lives. Some columnists’ problems include their personal life, while others involve combat reportage. Challenges persist, and war reporting is one of the best ways to evaluate journalists’ strengths and weaknesses. The LTTE War shows authors’ struggles covering wars.


Writers may face their biggest challenge when fighting groups try to mislead the public. Warring parties present inconsistent figures on conflict mobility. In a perfect world, all battle groups would show the enemy as weak and deserving of attack. In this way, the parties want to influence public help and convey their own conflict records for benefit. In the LTTE War, the Sri Lankan government faced a rebellion from a group that supported a free state in the North Fong et al. (2019). After 26 years of fighting and the rebellion’s defeat, the national conflict blurred. The public authorities clashed with the global media for portraying LTTE propagation as cutting-edge. The public authority backed media coverage that didn’t tarnish its image and showed national concern. The LLTE group reported governmental authority denial of essential liberties to garner public support.


It’s commonly acknowledged that war’s biggest casualty is reality. So, the next obstacle is reality teller or columnist. Columnists crossing the battlefield for vital reporting are often slain. According to Katz and Elihu (2018), writers do almost everything to bring military knowledge home. This type of work is inspired by how war legends sell an exceptional arrangement in the modern world. Bad news sells better than good news. Columnists have risked their lives, killing a key number of journalists. The LTTE battle cost several columnists over its duration. Some columnists were killed and kept hidden, so no reports were published. Life is so incongruous that columnists’ deaths aren’t reported. Additionally, authors were injured for publishing military or dissident news. Columnists die because they can’t appease all conflicting parties.


In addition to physical injuries, authors may experience mental issues due to disagreement. Hussain et al. (2022) found that combat reporting is cognitively taxing on columnists. Thus, most media station directors avoid sending novice columnists to crisis zones since they will suffer from pressure. Ersoy and Metin (2016) state that many columnists cause mental damage and bomb their posts because the constant sound of gunfire and mortar explosions upsets them.


Long-term imprisonment by fighting groups that request and misrepresent reporting data may also cause mental illness. These subtitles aim to influence media reporting and improve the media reporting circle. The result is more writers struggling, resulting in poor performances.


Journalism is evident in its coverage of war and conflict. Writers recount wartime events. However, these correspondents face several issues related to their jobs that affect their personal and professional life. Some of these challenges can be overcome, while others, like death, leave a lasting mark Volcic et al. (2014). Losing friends and family hurts their families. Wives become widows, children become vagrants, and husbands become single men. The LTTE war killed several columnists, proving such challenges. Accurate reporting and data access are challenges. These issues finally hinder their exposition, resulting in bad reporting.


In “War and Peace” by Robert Lowell, war writing is scarce. It is non-fiction produced as dialogue between two characters or readers. This paper discusses how this sort of writing helps us grasp current events. War, its causes, and its effects are covered in the article. Novels and other war literature give us with many ideas on war and violence that we might apply today. Finally, it shows how conflict destroys innocent people, especially the vulnerable.


The book on which the study is based states that war “is the conflict between two parties: one against another’s interests” (Lowell et al., 2002). These two parties may be military or civilians with distinct political and ethical views. These groups fight for the same interests, which is their main difference. Several times in the text, a character tries to define war. “War and Peace” protagonist Andrei hears rumours about “a new sort of warfare – the invisible war, just like all wars” while going about his daily life (Lowell et al., 2002). He suspects the news and searches for evidence. He calls what he finds “War!”Andrei wants to know why this war exists, but the government’s actions make him uneasy. As we see throughout the narrative, Andrei hates war since it would upend everything.


“War is strange. We travel continents constantly. We often battle over the same item without realising it (Lowell et al., 2002). This remark implies that conflict is possible at any time, but most people disregard it. Because it feels like it happens at its own pace and involves everyone. This may happen at home or in the combat zone where soldiers have war stories to share but no one knows they will fight. Sergei asks Nicholas if war has ever happened before, and Nick says it doesn’t happen every day on purpose and people do what they want without considering the consequences. All these questions make it hard to tell if Russia is attacking Europe or itself.


War is sometimes shown as a mechanism to resolve unresolved problems between nations or between the same country and its allies. The term “war guilt” captures this. War is portrayed as inevitable. This is shown when the narrator discusses Vladimir Ilyich, whose family was attacked in war and lost everyone, including the youngest daughter. He regrets letting them into the combat zone. War demands justification—what makes it special? In this situation, Ilyich tells him he went to fight to survive and not fear death. This topic shows that conflict is inevitable when taken knowingly or involuntarily.


Wars kill many innocents, especially in nations that fight hard to protect themselves. After suffering severe battle injuries, Sergey and Leon Trotsky tell Andrei they were victims of a tragic catastrophe. They also discuss how much money they lost in the war and how they didn’t think they could have peace. When asked how much they lost in property and money, they get hostile and aggressive. Leon wants to know how far they were from Moscow while they were alive, but Sergey replies they only had a car and clothes. Despite being innocent and unable to discuss what occurred to them during the conflict, the three seem to blame themselves for everything.

Russian soldiers seem unable to control their limbs. If anything, admitting they didn’t hurt makes them feel bad. This indicates their dislike for these warriors. Most soldiers on both sides of the border do this. To prevent others from attacking them, they try to kill them all, and anyone who tries can kill them, resulting in bloodshed. Most soldiers prefer death to facing such a horrible reality and being blamed for their own crimes.


Another social upheaval after conflict is war. The Huffington Post article “Are we being told war is good” discusses how US soldiers are still in Afghanistan when the US wants to attack. He says, “the troops are still in the field training to combat the Taliban, and now we are hearing reports of attacks on Kabul and Kunduz” (HuffingtonPost, 2012). Why is this good? Countries fight over land and station troops in different areas because of this. Such missions inflame warring nations and damage property. Indian and Pakistani armies are fighting Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan, but US troops are still in Afghanistan. This right? Why even send troops to war zones? Especially when we fear something bad will happen? Someway, it’s necessary. A nation that was hurt by war always wants revenge. Yes, wars should end when they start. However, war still threatens many parts of the world. Wars will continue until they end.


War can also generate income. According to Michael Bernstein (2010), “Wars do pay for things and it turns out that this is true for almost all wars”. By 1998, more than 60% of developing countries were poor, according to the World Bank.

For this group, ‘poverty’ was estimated at $4,500 per person in 2000. Given this dire situation, what else did these people do to make money for 20 years? They fought wars to achieve their goals as citizens of their home countries. People born without political interest never want wars. Why would they spend millions to win the war?


The above issues demonstrate how many wars our country has and how much blood and carnage can occur, especially during wartime. Some think war is necessary but destructive. Others disagree. War seems inevitable regardless of opinions. People question the war and become angry and resentful of their governments if people die. War is supposed to be noble and help a nation build economic stability and peace, but people suffer greatly at the slightest hint of war. This is especially true in unstable economies with rising unemployment. Given these factors, wars may occur between nations with strong and stable economies, but the number ones end up fighting.


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